Exceptional Benefits

Discover the Exceptional Health Benefits offered by the Deglet Ennour Date


The Deglet Ennour date is the fruit of the date palm, it is an energetic food, and a sacred product for Muslims it is known with its soft texture and its delicate taste of honey, it is a fruit which dries naturally on the palm before being harvested at a given maturity and a well-defined humidity level to obtain different categories of fruit. Indeed, there are several categories of dates: dried dates, semi-dried dates or even “fresh” dates. Each variety has its specificities which make them completely different products.


Regardless of the category of dates, they are always high in fiber and a good source of iron and vitamins, such as vitamin B. Dates are also high in potassium, magnesium, copper and antioxidants. They naturally give you energy for a long time! If they have a significant naturally present sugar content, as they contain dietary fiber, the assimilation of sugar will be slowed down, leaving the blood sugar level low enough to have a continuous energy supply over a long period of time.
The Deglet Ennour date does not contain any cholesterol and the presence of soluble fibers in the fruit helps to fight against bad cholesterol and contributes to the good behavior of the liver by the presence of calcium and other antioxidants.


Traditionally the date is the fruit with which the fast is broken during Ramadan. The date allows the body, while still fasting, to assimilate the calories and all the elements present in the fruit without being overloaded. The benefits of consuming dates on an empty stomach are multiplied because the body fully assimilates everything that the date offers: fiber, vitamins, iron, carbohydrates, antioxidants. Be careful though, as digestion is slow, it is less recommended to eat dates in the evening just before going to bed, because if they help transit, it will not be at rest during the night to digest. It is rather recommended to eat them outside of meals to take advantage of all that they can bring to the body.


On average, it is recommended to eat a portion of 100 g of dates or 7 Deglet Nour dates. dates, like prunes and other dried fruits, facilitate intestinal transit and fight against constipation. Regular consumption, combined with a healthy diet, helps regulate transit and promote digestion. Nevertheless, it is not recommended to eat too many dates, especially for people suffering from diabetes because their content in natural sugars is consequent, as well as for anyone because of the laxative effect which can appear if it dates are abused. Moreover, like any other food, the abuse of dates can make you fat, while conversely, eating them in reasonable quantities, associated with a healthy lifestyle, may be good during a diet. and promote weight loss